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ISG Talks are sponsored by Couchbase.
Jiadong Bai: Supporting Data Science Education Using Texera with a Cloud Infrastructure
DBH 3011Abstract In this talk, we will first present our paper at the DSE-K12 conference with the title “DS4ALL: Teaching High-School Students Data Science and AI/ML Using the Texera Workflow Platform […]
Ketan C Maheshwari (Oak Ridge National Laboratory): Enacting Distributed HPC Workflows: Opportunities and Challenges
DBH 3011Abstract: The Dept of Energy (DOE) complex comprises of many science facilities that could be classified as data producing (eg. the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory) and consuming (eg. […]
Sainyam Galhotra (Cornell): Context-aware Responsible Data Science
DBH 3011ABSTRACT Data-based systems are increasingly used in applications that have far-reaching consequences and long-lasting societal impact. However, the development process remains highly specialized, tedious, and unscalable. This produces a manually […]