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Ketan C Maheshwari (Oak Ridge National Laboratory): Enacting Distributed HPC Workflows: Opportunities and Challenges

February 21 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Abstract: The Dept of Energy (DOE) complex comprises of many science facilities that could be classified as data producing (eg. the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory) and consuming (eg. the Leadership Class Computing Facilities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory) facilities. Modern science campaigns often require extensive usage of more than one such facilities which may be located remote from each other and administered separately. This presents opportunities for the scientific computational workflows to aid in the process. At the same time, there are equally daunting challenges faced to successfully and smoothly accomplish these workflows. Our talk will dive into these opportunities and challenges and dive into proposed solutions and path forward.

Bio: Dr. Ketan Maheshwari is a Senior Linux Systems Engineer within the NCCS Division at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He has over 15 years of experience working with HPC systems with over 10 years with the leadership class systems at ALCF and OLCF. He is interested in science applications porting to large scale computing infrastructures and has a hands-on expertise in workflows, parallelization and HPC. He has given several talks on technical topics at local as well as international venues, most notably on GNU Parallel (eScience’23, CUG’24, PEARC’24, SC’24), Linux Terminal Tools (USENIX/LISA’19, LOPSA’18) and Swift Workflows (CCGrid’13). Ketan received his PhD in the area of Scientific Workflows from University of Nice and a Masters in Grid Computing from University of Amsterdam.


Host: Chen Li


February 21
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


DBH 3011