Jiang, Daokun

Daokun Jiang is a doctoral student who joined the ISG in 2017. Before coming to UCI, he obtained his bachelor's degree in computer science from Peking University, China.

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Lin, Yiming

Yiming is currently a Ph.D. student from ISG group, University of California, Irvine from 2017, under the supervision of Prof. Sharad Mehrotra. Before that, he earned master's and bachelor's degrees in computer science at Harbin Institute of Technology. His research interests include data cleaning, query processing, and building efficient online data processing systems. He is a recipient of the HPI fellowship…

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Benson, Kyle

Kyle Benson is a Ph.D. graduate. His research interests are resilient Internet of Things (IoT) data exchange during disaster scenarios.

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Kim, Taewoo

Taewoo Kim is a Ph.D. graduate. He earned his degree in September 2018. He has been working on Apache AsterixDB since 2014. Topics include memory management, runtime operators, query optimization, transaction management (index-only plan), and text processing (full-text and similarity query). Also, he has been working on Cloudberry project (Big data visualization and analytics).

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Harandizadeh, Bahareh

I am a first-year master student in computer science, I graduated from the University of Tehran, my research focus there was social network analysis, then I join HKUST at Hong Kong, doing research about complex network analysis. After that, I join the social computing group at the University of Trento, the research focus was human in loop machine learning. Then, I join…

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Alhassoun, Nailah

I’m a Ph.D. student at Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, UC Irvine advised by Prof.Venkatasubramanian. I’m a member of the Distributed Systems Middleware (DSM) Group, working on perpetual IoT systems. My research interests broadly span Computer Networks, Distributed Systems, Middleware, and Embedded Systems (IoT, CPS).

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Venkateswaran, Praveen

I am a third year Computer Science Ph.D student at the University of California, Irvine. I am currently part of the Distributed Systems Middleware group working with Prof. Nalini Venkatasubramanian. My research interests include Internet of Things (IoT), Edge Computing, Data Exchange and Management, Resilient Middleware, and Cyber-Physical Systems. Prior to joining UCI, I worked with Dr. Maitreya Natu and…

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